Integration projects '78 - '93
How we were
In this section we have collected documents describing the initiatives of COASSC/Saar in the period 1978-1987. In this phase, the Coasscit essentially campaigned for improving the German skills of young Italians in Saarland with a view to greater equality of opportunity in school.
The most important projects that were carried out at this time were: the German remedial courses, which were started in 1978 in cooperation with the Institute for Educational Science at Saarland University (Prof. Alfred Sander), the "Kindergarten" project to promote the early integration of children into German Preschool facilities and the "Sonderschulen" project, the aim of which was to promote the school integration of children with disabilities, in particular due to the social and cultural disadvantages compared to their German peers. There are also numerous creative projects aimed at promoting creativity in children.

Projects and Proposals (1978-1987)
Projects, suggestions and working materials for educational reinforcement and school integration support for the children of Italian emigrants in Saarland.
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Project "Tra lingue e culture" 1986
Documentation of the Munich Conference from June 7th to 8th, 1986
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Project "The Kindergarten" 1993
Pilot project for language promotion in kindergarten
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Project for school integration of students with special needs
school integration of disadvantaged and/or disabled Italian students
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