School newspaper
"Il Giornalino"
"Who am I" or "Where do my parents come from and where is my home" are questions that many second and third generation Italian children ask themselves in order to clarify their own identity.
This was once the central theme of the school magazine "Il Giornalino", which Coasscit/Saar published between 1995 and 2010 with contributions from students of the Italian language courses.
Coasscit/Saar is continuing this tradition with the release of "Il Giornalino Digital" in 2021.
Enjoy reading!

More than a school newspaper for Italian courses

Il Giornalino (1995/2015)
In this section you can consult the editions from 1995 to 2010 of "Il Giornalino" with photos, information and texts written by students in digital version.
To browse IL GIORNALINO, open the file and simply click on the edition you want.
I squares of "Il Giornalino"
I L GIORNALINO not only documents the educational experiences made in the period of its publication (1995 - 2010), but also offers an important opportunity to reflect on the experiences of young second and third generation Italians in Germany._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
The common thread of this experience was in fact the "identity discourse" of a whole generation of young Italians in the Saarland, who today may be fathers or mothers and who will certainly find important references in the pages of this 1998 issue to continue a reflection that certainly is still alive and important for the future of their children.
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