The bilingual project "Arcobaleno", started in 1998 in the primary school of Bous, provides for joint Italian lessons for German and Italian pupils in tandem, which is integrated into the regular timetable.
Italian lessons are given by a native speaker. This ensures an authentic and informal communication situation throughout the lesson.
The "Arcobaleno" project is based on the two-way model, ie children growing up bilingually with Italian and German and children growing up monolingually with German learn both languages from the first day of school.
The cooperation project between COASSCIT/Saar eV and the primary schools in Bous, Geislautern, Luipoldschule/Homburg, Mellinschule/Sulzbach and GS Wiedheckschule/Saarbrücken is funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Saarland Ministry of Education.